
The aspect of my career that brings great joy to my life is teaching. During my employment at Christian Brothers University, I have taught a variety of civil engineering courses, spanning across the geotechnical and structural engineering fields. I have also team taught the CE 431/432 Senior Design Project sequence with other civil engineering faculty members. I advise all seniors who are completing a geotechnical or structural engineering senior project. During the Fall 2012 semester, I taught MATH 231 (Differential Equations) on a interim basis for six weeks while the full-time faculty member was on leave. 

On this page you can find links to pages for each of the civil engineering courses that I regularly teach. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of times I have taught the course. Within each of these pages, there is some general information of the topics covered. Table 1 lists all of the courses I have taught at Christian Brothers University. Table 2 lists the courses I have taught at other institutions.   
